ISO 27001 and Information Security

Information security is an important part of the world of information technology, and that is where the ISO 27001 comes in. The ISO 27001 plays an integral part in the information security management process. In general, an ISMS, or an information security management process, is a set of policies that focuses on the need for information security within the information technology area.

It specifically focuses on IT-related risks and the need for prevention, and the ISO 27001 is a standard that deals with all aspects of protocol, such as technical, physical, and legal control aspects.

What is ISO 27001?

Respectively, the ISO 27001 standard is a member of these important ISMS policy standards. The purpose of the ISO 27001 standard is to protect valuable information assets in the IT field. Created by the International Organization for Standards and the International Electrotechnical Commission (also known as the IEC), the ISO 27001 is designed to provide your company with a structured, organized method for using an information security management system. When your company receives an ISO 27001 certification, it will be able to apply this systematic approach to its business practices.

Requirements and Certification

To receive certification for your company or organization ISMS, you need to meet the formal set of ISO 27001 specifications. Once you obtain this proper certification by meeting these mandatory requirements, your company has the ability to approach an Accredited Registrar to conduct an audit of your system.

Your company is entitled to pursue this regardless of the nature of your business or organization. The requirements to meet these specifications are very detailed and you must meet each one. However, due to the variation in company size, structure, needs, business processes, and security requirements, the extent to which your company must meet them will vary.

Certification typically involves a three-stage process, beginning with an informal review of your company’s nature, and then a detailed compliance audit. The third stage is usually devoted to follow-up audits. This stage allows auditors to check up and make sure your company has remained in compliance with the IS0 27001 standard.


Thankfully, the effort to meet the ISO 27001 standards and to continually comply with their requirements is awarded with many benefits. A few examples of the benefits your company receives because of the IS0 27001 standard include an organized business process, the professional reputation that comes with certification, and an edge in the area of marketing. You can offer your customers peace of mind with the ability to protect their valuable information, and you can even save your company money by reducing potential risks and the need for damage control. You will also have a better opportunity to work together with many diverse system sources, thanks to the ISO 27001’s structure.

These are just a few of the many benefits the ISO 27001 information security management standard has to offer. 

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